Friends Eating Pizza Around a Fire

Here at Fox River Fire Rings we take pride in providing you with high-quality outdoor fire rings that are built to last and many customers want to know – how long do outdoor fire rings last? We can help answer that question and help you find a high-quality steel fire ring that is the perfect addition to your outdoor fun with friends and family.

How To Care For and Maintain an Outdoor Fire Ring

The lifespan of the average steel fire ring will vary based on the quality of the steel, construction and maintenance – but you can expect a steel fire ring to last anywhere from 1 year to a lifetime. A steel fire ring will rust as time goes by, but with proper maintenance and care, you can make sure that that outdoor fire pit and the memories made around it last well into the future.

Maintenance Tips for Your Outdoor Fire Ring

Here is a closer look at what you can do to make sure your Fox River Fire Ring lasts a lifetime at your home, cabin, lake house, cottage or campsite.

1. Don’t Burn Damaging Materials

Did you know that the chemicals from treated wood, plastic and newspaper ink have the potential to damage your fire ring? Avoid burning materials that are not natural, dry wood from your local area. Materials that can burn and leave chemicals behind that damage your fire pit include magazines, newspapers, painted wood, stained wood, treated wood, wood pallets, plastic, cardboard and hazardous plants like poison ivy.

2. Remove the Ashes When You Are Done

We have all seen one – an old rusted fire ring that has a year worth of ashes piled in the middle. The ashes from your fire absorb humidity in the air and that mixture of ash and moisture can damage your fire pit no matter what materials it is made from. Use a small shovel, heat resistant gloves and a metal bucket or container to remove and dispose of ashes.

Close Up of Rusty Old Fire Ring

3. Keep Your Outdoor Fire Ring Clean

It is inevitable that at some point, your Fox River Fire Ring will get dirty or covered in melted marshmallow and it is important to keep your fire pit clean. Dirt, chemicals, ashes and more can have a long-lasting impact on the appearance and integrity of your fire ring when not cleaned. You do not have to clean your outdoor fire ring after EVERY use, but it is important to periodically clean it with a cloth or brush.

4. Remove Rust When It Appears

When you have a steel fire ring for outdoor use, it is almost inevitable that you will encounter rust at some point. To ensure your fire ring lasts for years, it is important to remove rust when it appears and store it in a dry location. Rust can appear on untreated surfaces in as little as 6 hours. Fox River Fire Rings are coated to protect the steel and create an oxidized finish as it is heated. When you see rust appear, use a cloth with vinegar, lemon juice, WD-40 or CLR to remove it.

READ MORE: Can I Have an Outdoor Fire Pit in My Backyard?

Are you interested in purchasing an outdoor fire ring at Fox River Fire Rings? You may have questions like – how long do outdoor fire rings last? We can help answer your questions and with these quick maintenance tips, we can help ensure that your fire ring lasts for a lifetime. Contact Fox River Fire Rings today for more information on our products!